Men's Ministry

As iron sharpens iron, our Men's Ministry is dedicated for the fellowship of men of all ages.

Developing a relationship with other godly men helps challenge us to walk in faithfulness

and become the men of God we are created to be.


We would love for you to get connected with the men in our church and see what God can do in your life

Bible Study

Saturday morning Bible Study

 7:30 AM

Room 108 (Downstairs) 


Our study offers a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere where men can openly share as we discuss the Word of God. We are men helping men to discover how God intends for us to live as Men of God.

Fishing Tournaments

Throughout the year, our Men's Ministry holds fishing tournaments as a way for our men to enjoy some time together. 


We will explore the different lakes and rivers in the area to get a sampling of the many different types of fish.


While we may enjoy fishing, becoming fishers of men is really our desire. 


Make sure to stay tuned into everything that is going on. We have a ton of fun events & classes coming up. Sign up for our "In the Know" newsletter today! 

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