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Welcome to the Ministries page! Below is a list of different ministries that you have the opportunity to be apart of. God calls us to engage in fellowship with one another, and being a part of a ministry group is the best way to do that. Feel free to find one that fits you best and click on it to learn more. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Men's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Children & Youth Ministry

Discipleship Ministry



Celebrate Recovery



Prayer Partners


Not too sure which ministry is the right one for you? Don't worry, we are here to help! Click the button below to reach out and find more information.


Have some questions? We would love to connect with you. Click the button below to give us a shout!



Have you ever wanted to do a Bible study with your spouse, kids or maybe a group of friends but you didn’t know where to start? Leading a Bible study can seem like such a big task. Planning what to say and what questions to ask can be one of the reasons people are so hesitant to lead a study. Well, what if we took all the planning and prep work out of it and made it easy for you to do right in your own living room?

As someone who attends First Christian Church you have access to RightNow Media, a website with hundreds of video-driven studies. There are studies on just about every topic you may want; from parenting to having “the talk” with your older kids, marriage, studies on books of the Bible and so much more. There are even cartoons for the kids that teach Biblical principles. And the best part is, it costs you nothing! If you would like to check out this incredible resource you can signup here.


Make sure to stay tuned into everything that is going on. We have a ton of fun events & classes coming up. Sign up for our "In the Know" newsletter today! 

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