Coupon Books for Sale


These coupon books are loaded with discounts and deals for local businesses withing our general area (Union, Washington, St. Clair, Pacific). 


The cost per book is $40 which goes to cover the cost of the making of the book and a donation for the student ministry here at FCC. We still have books available in the church office. 

Praying The Psalms

Sunday Mornings September  1, 8, 15, 22, 29

9 AM - Fellowship Hall 




Meaningful Moms - We mom together

Tuesday, September 10 & 24

9 AM - Fellowship Hall






Coupon Books for Sale


These coupon books are loaded with discounts and deals for local businesses withing our general area (Union, Washington, St. Clair, Pacific). 


The cost per book is $40 which goes to cover the cost of the making of the book and a donation for the student ministry here at FCC. We still have books available in the church office. 

OCEANLife Seniors' Group

Saturday, October 26

8 AM - Fellowship Hall 

Mark your calendar for this fun filled day trip 

Link to register coming soon. 



Meaningful Moms - We mom together

Tuesday, October 8 & 22

9 AM - Fellowship Hall








Stay up to date with all of the church happenings going on throughout the month! Make sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!